Monday, August 10, 2009

Poop?!!!! YIKES!

If you do not like POOP stories... do not read! ;)

This is the face of a little stinker. Really, tonight he stunk. We were eating dinner and Wyatt was having some snacks in his highchair. He is always a mess, so before I even started to clean him up I started the bath water. Good thing I did that! As I took him out of his high chair I realized that it was not just food coming from his shorts. He had pooped out both sides of his diaper. YIKES. The doctor told us that the antibiotic he is on for an ear infection would cause diarrhea. Well.... it has kicked in and we definitely had poop everywhere tonight. This is not normal poop either. This is nasty, leaky poop. YUCK. I was thrown into the world of boys, poop and motherhood tonight.

So I laid him on the bathroom floor and start stripping him from all his dirty, yucky clothes. Some how he managed to squirm around the bathroom floor, smearing his nasty poo everywhere. Including on me! So picture this... running bath water, a naked, squirming baby covered in poo, wipes, a tile floor, and a mother yelling for her husband who was in the shower. It was definitely a scene from a movie!

I finally managed to get him clean enough to put in the bathwater and was trying to wipe the poo from the floor and off of me when he struck again. I realize now that it was my fault for what happened next. Take a naked baby and lay him on a cold tile floor and eventually he is going to have the urge to pee. Well... that is what happened. Wyatt peed. But let me just tell you, he did not just normal pee. He peed like a race horse. It was shooting everywhere! I did not know a baby of his size could pee that high, and for a moment I was actually impressed! ;) But then I was shot back into reality when I realized my cute sandals were soaked with pee and both the bathmats were covered as well. I then stopped what I was doing and put my little guy in the tub, still yelling for my husband who had no idea what was going on.
I bathed him, put his pj's on and let him play in his swing while I cleaned up the mess in the bathroom. The funniest part is when Andrew got out of the shower he had no idea what had gone on. I wonder how he would have handled the situation!? I laugh just thinking about it! Andrew is not big on poopie diapers, especially ones that spu!
We both survived... him more than me! I wish you could have seen him. Wyatt was smiling, laughing and saying "Da Da" the whole time! He thought he was pretty funny! This will definitely be a story to go in the baby book.
I should title it....
"Squirming Poo Boy and the Fountain of Pee"


Unknown said...

Jodi I was dying laughing reading this!!! hahaa Wyatt is so sneaky!! This is seriously hilarious!

The Links said...

That is too funny!! I'm glad the only picture you post was your little stinker and not all mess he made!!