Friday, May 1, 2009

New Tricks

This is the face of a little boy who has now figured out how to get places on his own. He is so proud of himself in this picture. Yes, Wyatt can now roll everywhere. He has been able to roll from his stomach to his back for a while now, but last Tuesday while playing on the floor he flipped to his stomach and he has not stopped since. It makes me sad to think he is moving all over the place so much now. I mean a few months ago he was my little infant. Now he is a fat baby flipping from his stomach to his back and from back to stomach, over and over and over again to get something from across the room that he wants. He has learned quickly! This new trick has also made it difficult to change his diaper. He thinks it is pretty funny to try and turn over right in the middle of being naked. If I could figure out how to put videos on my blog, I would put up the latest one of him rolling around on the floor playing with Cal, who by the way is his very best friend. The best part of all of his rolling is that every time he pops up on his stomach he looks around for someone to cheer! Gotta love the new trick.

On a side note; we have learned that Wyatt is going to be one silly little boy. He loves to make people smile. Andrew and I went to the mall yesterday evening and the whole time he was making silly faces and laughing really loud as we walked through the mall. Every person that stopped to talk with him would get a funny face; a tongue sticking out, bubbles being blown making a moater boat sound, or a flirty eyebrow raise. He likes to be the center of attention. He makes us laugh all day long.


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