Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Sweet Friends and some Strollin'

This weekend Andrew went on a guys weekend for one of his best friends birthdays. Since he was gone, I had some of my best friends stay with me. I can not explain this first picture just yet... but know the pictures that go along with it are soon to come. This is just a little example of the mischief we got ourselves in. We are Jr. High teachers and last weekend we took on the role and behavior of our students... hehe! We were driving around town and "saw" someone we were not supposed to see. We almost blew our cover from the picture above. So we decided to make a sad face. Turns out our cover WAS NOT blown. We are sneakier than we thought.. ha!
One of our fellow teachers, Christine has had a tough year. Her son was diagnosed with epilepsy and they have been struggling with getting it under control since August. His name is Jake, and he is one of the cutest kids I think I have ever seen. On Saturday at the Zoo there was a "Stroll for Epilepsy." We took our TOPS/Umoja Kids to participate and show our support. It was such a fun time and we wanted Christine to know we cared about what was going on in her life. I am truly amazed at her strength and trust in the Lord through all this. She is an amazing lady. To learn about Jake, go to .

Strollin at the ZOO. (Really riding the turtle! ;)

Ashley, Kelan, Me and Deighton
("Enid, Estella, Edna, and Eleanor") ;)
We like to call ourselves "Theee.5" It is a silly joke and does not mean anything really. I love these girls so much. All three of them have taken the time to invest in my life and to help me go through some of the struggles I am been dealing with. It is great to be able to work with people who not only care about things that go on at school, but truly love you as a person and are willing to take on your life issues with theirs outside of the classroom. We have connected so much this year and I would not give up any of them. Thank you girls. You have a special place in my heart. I love that we can be 13 again when we are together. I look forward to soo many more "EXCELLENT" times to come! hehe

All in all, it was a wonderful weekend with sweet friends. I have not had that much fun in a really long time. We have a fun weekend trip planned for May, so look forward to seeing some crazy pictures of us. LA here we come! ;) Oh and if you are curious, a description of our mischievous behavior is soon to come. MUUUAHHHHAAA.....

1 comment:

Christine said...

you guys are hilarious! and awesome coworkers!