Saturday, April 18, 2009

5 Months and Growing...

Wyatt is 5 months old today! I can not believe it has gone by so fast and how much he grows every day. He is in the 95th percentile for height and weight and is very much a healthy little boy. Last time he went to the doctor (2 weeks ago) he weighed 19 pounds 10 ounces. He is definitely hitting the 20 pound mark soon, or already has. He is such a happy baby, laughs,smiles and is just a joy to be around. Here are some of the things he is doing at 5 months.
*Sticking his tongue out. (like the picture above... you do it to him, he does it back)
*Rolling all over the place.
*Sitting up (in a few weeks he will be sitting without ever falling over)
*Loves to play with your hands.
*Crosses his hands like he is praying.
*Laughs hysterically at ANYTHING.
*Reaches for your face.
*GRUNTS LOUDLY when he wants your attention.
*Eating from a spoon
*Reaches for Cal (our dog) and plays with him.
*Kicks.... ;)
*Loves to cuddle.
*Sleeps 9 hours!!!!!
*Smiles so big when I go to get him from his crib. (definitely one of my favorite things)
*Can hold himself straight up on his tummy.(if those knees came up, he would be crawling)
* Follows Andrew and I no matter where we go. He will look all over a room until he sees us.
*Giggles when you make his bottle.
*HAPPY with anyone who loves on him!
There are so many more things. Those are just some of my favorites! He is such a wonderful baby and we are so blessed by him every day!
We love you Wyatt Jeremiah. Happy 5 months!

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