Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Couldn't ask for anything more...

Words cannot express how much I love those two boys above! They bring joy to my life daily. But this post is about my amazing husband. I really could not ask for more. Not only is he dedicated to our family and whole heartedly serves the Lord, but he also serves me all the time.
I have not been feeling well since Friday, since I seemed to be getting worse every day, I decided to go to the doctor instead of my usual of taking NyQuil for a month. I left the doctor yesterday morning with two shots, an antibiotic and nasal spray to rid me of "walking pneumonia!" I could not believe that I had this. I knew I felt bad.... but never imagined I was that sick. Glad I went in.
Needless to say, when I got home from work yesterday (because I took off last week 2 days because Wyatt was sick, and just cannot take any more time away from the classroom right now), Andrew was cooking dinner. He made the entire meal, cleaned up the entire kitchen, played with Wyatt while I laid on the couch, got Wyatt ready for bed and then sent me to take a bath and go to bed. I was in bed by 8:45. When I woke up this morning he had done ALL my laundry, ALL Wyatt's laundry, straightened the house and put all the clean dishes away.
I do not think I could be taken care of any better than this. Andrew always helps around the house, but he took away ALL responsibilities of mine so that I can rest. Thank you babe for loving me so much, and serving our house. Wyatt and I couldn't ask for a better Daddy or Husband!
I love you!!!!!!!

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