Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Have you ever had a week that you feel everything is going WRONG?! This week has been emotional for me in so many ways already and it is ONLY Tuesday. I am not happy. I am not myself. I went from being full of life to drained of everything. I do not enjoy my job right now. I want to be at home. My time with the Lord has dwindled to a small amount instead of a full morning. Wyatt is sick this week with an ear infection and tough cold. I have had to leave him and I hate that. He needs his mommy... that is what everyone needs when they are sick and I can not be there.

My kids at school are upsetting me over silly things and I feel out of place. Lord am I supposed to be here? How much longer will I feel this way? It has only been a week and I am wanting an answer about next year.

I need to trust Him. He is telling me that OVER AND OVER in so many ways. Why can't I just be okay with that. Why can't I be content to wait for an answer. I have waited for many things in my life and seen the joy from them. How come I can not take those experiences and put them in this hole I am feeling now?

So my prayer this week is to give myself... ALL OF ME to Him, and be okay to see where it leads me. Even if it requires me to feel this way for another month or more. He is teaching me something and I must be still enough to listen and learn.

"The Lord is my Shepard....." I must trust his LEAD!


Gram said...

i'm glad you're posting this and being honest about your feelings AND your faith. i LOVE honesty and God does too! i think it is so important for others to know that it is OKAY to question. i once read that "doubting thomas" should not have been called that. he should have been called "growing thomas" or "learning thomas" or "curious thomas". it isn't about doubt or lacking something - you'll figure it out - He will get you there. keep praying and listening! love you - maybe an ice day tomorrow??? i'll pray that for you!!! :)

The Links said...

Hey Jodi...this is Katy St. John. I just got married 3 months ago so it's Katy Link now. I just found your blog. Your little Wyatt is precious. I'm hope the rest of this school year gets easier. Just take one day at a time.

I'm going to add you to my blogs that I read, so I can keep up with you and your cute little family!!

Katy Link

A J said...

I'm praying that you find the answers you are looking for regarding work and your beautiful family. I can not imagine how hard it is to return to work and leave Wyatt at home. I know the Lord will answer your prayers in His time! Love you!