This morning we woke up to a BEAUTIFUL DAY! I could not even excercise the thought of staying in doors. While Wyatt was eating breakfast I took a morning run and then came home to show him the surprise I bought him yesterday, Sidewalk Chalk!

We played outside for over an hour - coloring on the sidewalk. Here are the things we colored;
dinosaurs (t-
rex), baseballs, soccer balls, footballs and wrote all our names several times!

Then we decided we wanted to have a little family
outing. We headed to Corner Bakery -
definitely one of my favorite places to eat in the whole world!! We sat on the porch and enjoyed the weather even more! Wyatt
scarfed down a grilled cheese and a cup of fruit while Andrew and I had our favorite salads! We then decided to take Wyatt to try out Putt Putt for the first time. We play "golf" all the time outside in our driveway so we thought this would be a great idea. He was given a little golf set at his
birthday and I normally stand at one end of the driveway; him at the other and we just hit it back and forth. Needless to say I was wondering how he would handle putting the ball in the hole! Here are some pictures below! He loved it!

Daddy teaching him how to hold to club.

YEAH! He got it in!

He looks like a pro!

He is such a big boy - and doesn't he look
soo cute in his new boat shoes?! :)

Daddy and Wyatt taking a break!

Me and my sweet little buddy!

Wyatt had a small meltdown at the 18
th hole. He was not very happy that the ball was "gone." He
kept getting on his stomach and looking into the hole asking where it went? It only got worse when we had to return the golf club. He just did not understand why anyone would give him a ball and club and then take them back! :)
This is how Wyatt plays Putt Putt - I think I like his method!!! :)
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