Wyatt and I have also been going to a Water Babies class through the city of Richardson. It is a 10 day class and they teach the babies to be comfortable in the water. Since Wyatt was already overly comfortable, he took to the "skills" with no problem. I am in the water with him and it is so fun to see him get excited when we sing a song or go under the water. YES... Wyatt goes under and comes up smiling! He has even learned to blow bubbles, it is great! The teacher has taught us safety skills and I have shown him where the SAFE PART of the pool is. Wyatt even was dipped under the water, let go and came up practically on him own. ( No I am not a crazy mom... the teacher guided us to do this and I was right next to him. The whole thing was about 5 seconds!) I am happy that he is not afraid. To be honest, some of the kids are screaming at the top of their lungs, and some of the mom's are to afraid to even try the skills. I want Wyatt to know that the water is not scary, and to trust that I am not going to do anything that will hurt him. He has taken to it wonderfully, and I look forward to keeping up swim classes until he is older and can swim on his own! Yeah for summer and pool time.
Wyatt thinks it is pretty cool to splash himself, me, and all the other parents and children that come near him! I have a feeling I have a joke-ster on my hands! ;) I don't have any pictures from class, but hopefully Friday Andrew will come and get a few of us in the pool!