So boot camp was great! The month is over! It definitely challenged me and pushed me harder than I normally push my self when I work out. WE SURVIVED! But not only did I survive, but I signed up for another month. I am addicted. Truly 100% addicted and want to tell everyone about my experince. Here are the reasons I fell in love with working out this way, especially with TEXAS BOOTCAMP.
1. It is in the morning so I do not miss time with Wyatt - he is still sleeping.
2. My workout is done before my day starts and it makes me feel great throughout the day.
3. I eat so much better, because in my head I think - " I don't want to ruin that great workout I had this morning!"
4. It has been amazing time with sweet friends. We laugh a lot and push each other to try harder than we think we can.
5. Our trainer is wonderful!
6. We work every part of our body!
7. The workouts are never the same, so we don't get bored.
8. I have seen results!
9. I don't have to re-shower later in the day. I hate getting ready more than once a day!
10. Texas Bootcamp is a Christian Company. At the end of each work out they read us a bible story with a short lesson/devotional. Talk about great way to start my day - healthy body and healthy soul! :)
You should seriously think about Boot Camp! I know 5:30AM is early, but it has worked wonders for me. I NEVER, EVER imagined I would be a person to wake up and go work out. I actually turned my nose up at people who did and I thought they were truly crazy! I had every excuse in the book - including a really good one... "I have had 3 major knee surgeries and there are just things I can't do anymore." Not ONE time did I have to stop a workout because of my knee. And I could not be more excited to see my body being able to workout like I used too! They have workouts 6 days a week - and you can attend any session (morning or night). I am so excited I found something I love. Working out is no longer a frustration for me! We have a week off next week and I plan to run/work out to keep my body going until the next month starts! Whoo Hoo for feeling great!