Wednesday, November 11, 2009


You know the days when you wake up and don't feel well so your day is already starting off badly? That was today for me. I have had a stuffy nose for a week now and just feel yucky. But today was the worst I think.

It did not help that:

- I got to school and a student broke my computer.... the computer I was showing a video on that is connected to the projector..... It did not start working until 3rd...
- By the end of 2nd period I had sneezed 100 times and no longer could breath out my nose.
- On my way to lunch I was carrying my lunch and dropped my fruit cup, which busted all over the hallway floor.....right in front of twoVeteran's Visiting.
-By 5th period I had sneezed 100 more times.... and used half a box of tissue.
-At the end of the day I felt WAY worse than I did when I got to school, and had an emotional break down at 3:35 when Ash walked into my classroom.
-By 4:00 I was used to breathing out of my mouth, had a headache, and had sneezed A BILLION times.

Tonight, I am taking Tylenol PM and hitting the sack. AND... I know that I should not, but I have to resort back to using Nose Spray. (Sorry Dr. Bacak if you are reading this I won't be able to sleep tonight without it!)

Goodnight and tomorrow I hope to have somehow lost all this stuffiness, sneezing and feeling yucky!

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