Last night the Tornado Sirens went off. I had been preparing myself for this bad storm all day. If you do not know, I am a weather nut, especially when it comes to storms. If you ever need to know what the weather is going to be like today, tomorrow or a week from now... I can tell you!
I HATE storms. My stomach gets into knots and I literally feel sick. My family knows this about me and sometimes it can cause problems. If we are out to eat, at the grocery store, or any where and there is going to be a bad storm, we have to go home. I just can not handle it. I know it sounds silly, but something about them just make me so scared.
So last night was the first storm that I have gone through in a while. It was also the first storm since Wyatt was born. I can say that I was not the best mom. I was holding Wyatt and he was crying, being real fussy. The only thing I could think about was the weather man and what he was saying on the TV. I just wanted to lay in the hallway, but Wyatt did not want to do that!
Side note: Pete
Deklus is my weather crush. He saves my life on a regular basis! I hope one day we can be friends!
To show my insane Tornado fears... here are a few examples:
1. My two sisters and dad
immediately call me when the weather gets bad. They know my nerves are crazy.
2. I think of all my friends and text them to make sure they are in the closet. But I have learned that not everyone gets in their closets for thunder! Oh well, just trying to be protective right!?
3. I have been known to go to random places, just to be with someone and not alone during a storm. For example, one day I went to my father-n-laws work to sit in his office with him. He is a CFO of a major company, everyone their thought I was silly.
4. I had to buy a WHOLE bag of
Dum Dum Suckers during the Hurricane in College so that I could function. You know sucking is soothing and I have a
nervous stomach.
5. I count down until the storm is close to our city. Like even HOURS before and will plan my day around it. I am normally home and in the closet before the sirens blare. I can give you a minute by minute description of the storms and when it will hit what city.
6. My best friend Lynsey is JUST as afraid of storms as I am. The Lord gave me a friend to help me cope. She sympathizes with my fears like no other friend. One time we had to drive home from College Station in a storm. That was an experience.... we saw a "dust cloud" swirling down a road and we almost stopped to duck and cover.
7. You know how everyone has one constant, returning dream?! Mine is about
8. I want to build one of those dome houses, so that I will not get blown away in the storm. Andrew is not really up for that style of house though.
9. I get angry, like eating away my insides frustrated at people who stand on the porch while
tornadoes are flying around our house....... ANDREW!!!
10. I will NEVER move to Oklahoma or Kansas. If the Lord calls me to those places, He will just have to take me first!
So there is a little of my rant for today.